Peyton Noelle Mason |
As most of you know, David and I have just recently welcomed our first daughter into our family! Peyton Noelle Mason was born on September 28, 2010 at 4:21 pm weighing in at 6 lbs. 4 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. She was originally due October 15th, so it was a huge surprise when I went into labor 2 weeks early!
I officially went into labor we think around 7 am. When David and I started to drive to the hospital, we were so lucky to hit the morning traffic jam on highway I-15...and my contractions were 6 minutes apart! David and I laughed when we saw an ambulance a few cars ahead. Atleast that would have been a better alternative than giving birth in the car! Can you imagine? Luckily we made in time and the only complication was a minor epidural malfunction (the anesthesiologist punctured a blood vessel on the first attempt, and had to try a second time). Epidurals are HEAVEN SENT! I don't know why anyone would suffer through natural childbirth by choice...
Peyton Noelle Mason ~ September 28, 2010 4:21 pm 6 lbs 4 oz |
And so Peyton Noelle was born! Possibly the most beautiful baby ever, David and I couldn't be happier parents. It is absolutely amazing how something so small and so precious can suddenly become your entire world. The love of a mother and father cannot be described until that tiny infant is put into your arms for the first time...and the love only continues to grow with every moment. Peyton is the most precious daughter, and is everything in our eyes. I am such a proud mommy! Here's a look at a few more pictures:
First family photo |
Nana and Peyton |
First bath! She LOVES her baths...just like mommy:)
Army Girl! I'm not sure if she likes it... |
"Milk-a-holic" |
Little Red Riding Hood! |
Our Sweetie "P" :) |
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